Business Center

The Business and Investor Support Center operates at the Representative Office of Misiones in the City of Buenos Aires and its goals are:

  1. To address questions by potential investors regarding the advantages of investing in Misiones, business opportunities, and the business establishment process
  2. To receive documentation for subsequent processing by the Investor Support department
  3. To provide a physical space to hold work meetings and training workshops
  4. To organize events where potential investors can get in contact with entrepreneurs
  5. To hold videoconferences allowing clients, suppliers, and investors to have business meetings


  • Set up a database of companies and key personnel to be contacted
  • Draw up a schedule of events where officials can introduce the Province, its advantages and investment opportunities
  • Organize road shows to promote products and services of Misiones abroad
  • Organize courses for Misiones entrepreneurs on how to prepare business plans, how to export, how to seek financing
  • Organize talks about sector studies in Argentina
  • Disseminate the latest trends in terms of investments
  • Develop a network of investors
  • Look for clients for Misiones companies
  • Organize seminars to present projects and seek financing


If you wish to be part of some of these initiatives or use the facilities of the Representative Office of Misiones, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



